The RIPSEC (Renforcement Institutional pour des Politiques de Santé Basées sur des Evidences au Congo) of the ESP (Ecole de Santé Publique de Kinshasa) organized, related to the activities included in its second main line of intervention, the practical training of initiation to cartography designing with Quantum-Gis software, in two sessions: from September 13 to 14 and from 16 to 17, 2016.

Why Cartography? And why Q-Gis software?

The need has been expressed by some academics and scientists, but also because of the shortcomings noted in the analyses, presentation and publication of data from routine and research. It should be noted that the interpretation and understanding of health information is easy when localized. Therefore, we found it interesting and worthwhile to increase the critical mass of executives that can able to take advantage of mapping for the spatial representation of their data using Q-Gis, an easy software to learn and use.

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