Posts by Danny
Understanding the local context and its possible influences on shaping, implementing and running social accountability initiatives for maternal health services in rural Democratic Republic of the Congo: a contextual factor analysis.
[box] Mafuta EM1,2, Hogema L3, Mambu TN4, Kiyimbi PB5, Indebe BP6, Kayembe PK4, De Cock Buning T3, Dieleman MA3,7. 1Kinshasa School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kinshasa, PO Box: 11850, Kinshasa I, Democratic Republic […]
L’Ecole de Santé Publique de Kinshasa était à Vancouver
L’Ecole de Santé Publique de Kinshasa a été bien présente au HSR Global Symposium organisé du 14 au 18 Novembre 2016 à Vancouver au Canada. Sept abstracts avaient été […]
L’Ecole de Sante Publique de l’université de Kinshasa informe les candidats à la formation de Maîtrise en Santé Publique, options Santé Communautaire, Economie de la Santé et Épidémiologie nutritionnelle, pour […]
La co-infection VIH-Syphilis augmente la charge virale chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH.
La syphilis est un facteur associé à l’augmentation de la charge virale chez les professionnels de sexe en RDC. C’est la conclusion d’une étude menée par une équipe de […]
Conditional Cash Transfers to Increase Retention in PMTCT Care, Antiretroviral Adherence, and Postpartum Virological Suppression: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Yotebieng M1, Thirumurthy H, Moracco KE, Edmonds A, Tabala M, Kawende B, Wenzi LK, Okitolonda EW, Behets F. 1*Division of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Departments of †Epidemiology; ‡Health Policy and Management; §Health […]
Analysis of Insecticide-Treated Net Use by Pregnant Women: Implications for Donor Organizations
Jin Sung Song1,2,5, Mansiangi Mankadi Paul3 , Sarita Dhakal1,2, Mpaka Kiansiku Smith4 , Mbambula Kyelama Michel3 , Eunju Cha5 , Eun Woo Nam1,2,* 1 Department of Health Administration, Graduate School, […]
The effect of immunization on measles incidence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Results from a model of surveillance data.
Doshi RH1, Shidi C2, Mulumba A3, Eckhoff P4, Nguyen C5, Hoff NA6, Gerber S7, Okitolonda E8, Ilunga BK9, Rimoin AW10. 1Department of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, 650 S Charles E Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. […]
Depressive Symptoms, Loss of Appetite and Under Nutrition among Treated HIV Patients: A Cross Sectional Study in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo
Pierre Zalagile Akilimali1*, Patou Masika Musumari2, Pierrot LundimuTugirimana3, Paulin Beya Mutombo1, Frederick J Veldman4, Patrick Kalambayi Kayembe5, Mapatano Mala Ali1, Thorkild Tylleskar6, Esperance Kashala-Abotnes6 1University of Kinshasa, School of Public […]
Conditional Cash Transfers to Increase Retention in PMTCT Care, Antiretroviral Adherence, and Postpartum Virological Suppression: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Yotebieng M1, Thirumurthy H, Moracco KE, Edmonds A, Tabala M, Kawende B, Wenzi LK, Okitolonda EW, Behets F. 1*Division of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Departments of †Epidemiology; ‡Health Policy and Management; §Health […]
Anemia and Micronutrient Status of Women of Childbearing Age and Children 6–59 Months in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sarah Harvey-Leeson, Crystal D. Karakochuk, Meaghan Hawes, Pierrot L. Tugirimana, Esto Bahizire, Pierre Z. Akilimali, Kristina D. Michaux,Larry D. Lynd, Kyly C. Whitfield, Mourad Moursi, Erick Boy, Jennifer Foley, Judy McLean, Lisa A. Houghton, Rosalind S. Gibson andTim J. Green Nutrients 2016, 8(2), 98; doi:10.3390/nu8020098 Received: […]